Let’s Talk…and I really mean talk!

Hey brother, you are now entering the scary part!
This is where you actually ask someone for a little help. I know, we men typically suck at this. Congratulations for having the balls to do it. We appreciate your trust too. Your information is safe with us as well as your heart.  And there’s no shame in asking for help. 
IMPORTANT: While we cannot offer every applicant a Free Deep Dive Personal Consultation Call, we will review each application carefully and decide what level of support we are able to provide you right away. 
If we are not able to support you with a personal coaching consultation, we WILL send you specific recommendations and resources based on what we learn from your application.  These may be videos, articles, assessments and/or recommendations for lower priced, powerful courses.
If we invite you into a Free Deep Dive Personal Consultation Call, you can count on an amazingly supportive and encouraging coaching experience which will be deep and intensely personal. Plan for an undistracted block of time from 60-90 minutes.
Given the volume of men coming in the door, we have the help of a small stable of  amazing, professional GG2GM certified coaches who have been with us for YEARS helping men like you. (If you have a firm preference on who you speak with, just say so on your form)
This call is NOT a sales call or a teaser session. You can expect a powerful coaching conversation that could immediately change the course of your week. Your coach will also be able to explain how to go farther in your growth…FASTER than ever. You may want to consider one of our many personal or group coaching programs.
Please provide the following information and answer the questions below. The more thought and effort you put into your answers the more seriously I will take your application. Your application is strictly confidential. Items marked (required) must be answered.
Be sure to check your spam folder and Gmail social and promotions tabs for my reply!
Click here to read the Privacy Policy and about how your personal information is used and protected.
(If you don’t receive a personal reply within FIVE BUSINESS DAYS something is wrong.  If this happens please send a direct email to [email protected])


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Marital Status
Are you dealing with any past or current addictions?
Have you had any issues with Depression, Anxiety, or ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/ Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)?
Are you currently seeing a therapist?
How serious are you about beginning a coaching program?
Is it okay to leave messages at these numbers?
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