Divorce 1-to-1 Coaching & Support For Men

Fixing a marriage heading towards divorce is something we work on every day in our coaching with men.

Falling in love is so simple. Keeping the love, passion and connection going is the hard part.

Trust and emotional connection are an incredibly important way for couples to be able to relax, have fun together, build safety and intimacy. When divorce or separation is on the table, there is very little or no trust and safety currently in your marriage. It can feel hopeless, but there is help and there is hope!

In our coaching we help you deal with the constant anxiety and questions buzzing through your mind all day, every day. The first questions I want to answer for you are:

Yes a marriage where love seems gone and divorce is a very real prospect can survive

Contact us here for a free 90 minute coaching call

First things first, a marriage facing divorce can survive, although it’s hard to find information and statistics about how many relationships survive and recapture their original spark. I can assure you from over 10 years coaching men who are facing divorce that it’s possible (although sometimes divorcing is the right choice to make after you’ve exhausted all other options).

Emotional issues in a relationship are complex. So many personal insecurities, expectations and self confidence issues are involved. Add to that a lack of good role models, helpful relationship education and real life examples of healthy relating skills and you can easily understand why we end up in a dance of avoidance, walking on eggshells, building frustration and resentment, but over and over again I see that underneath it all, both partners often really want the same thing – a loving, connected, trusting, affectionate marriage – they just need some help and support to get there.

Getting some help and support for your struggling marriage is especially important when partners seem to have different levels of interest in fixing it. Disappointment, resentment, and a sense of betrayal or anger can slowly corrode the trust and affection between you which, if not addressed, seriously impacts the chances of your marriage surviving.

The first step to fixing or repairing your struggling marriage is admitting that there is a problem. The path to becoming a confident, happy man again starts with accepting the truth of where you are now.

Whether you work on your marriage or not is something that you and your partner will need to discuss and find agreement on in terms of wanting to and being willing to identify and fix the issues between you.

Signs that your marriage is facing possible divorce or separation

You only discuss logistics with each other, there are no deeper conversations happening
You aren’t having sex regularly
One of you has developed feelings for someone else
Other parts of your life take priority over your relationship and spending time together
You’ve given up trying to be attractive for each other
You go to bed at different times
Your sex life is tense, difficult or non existent
You don’t ever talk about how you feel, what you want, what you’re fearful of or the intimate sexual side of your relationship
When you do share what you’re thinking and feeling it becomes an argument and ends in more distance, sometimes for days or even weeks

Divorce coaching & support

If you’re unsure whether you need a coach, a therapist, couples counselling, or to speak to a lawyer, arrange a free consultation call with us – it’s not a sales call, we offer a free 90 minute coaching session.

We value being direct, honest and we only work with men who are ready to take the next step in taking action to create the future they really want.

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