How to Feel Clear Headed, Emotionally Strong and Happy Again

The GG2GM 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage

Only two things change your life: either something new comes into your life,
or something new comes out of you.” ~ Brendan Burchard

The 3 Mind Blowing Truths this short course will help you quickly realize:

This course may be the ONLY coaching you’ll ever need.

How will we do this?

man offering helping hand

In this short course we’re asking you to commit to completing the following:

Three powerful and intensely PERSONAL video coaching sessions with Steve Horsmon and Dan Dore

Three transformational books (yes, you can do this and you will)

Three crucial writing assignments (yes, we want you to email these to us!)

The benefits you can expect from taking this course are…

Immediately reduce your level of ANXIETY, frustration and urgency

Immediately feel more HOPEFUL and optimistic instead of battling with fear and insecurity

RESPOND to what’s happening in your life from a foundation of calm peacefulness

Gain clarity about WHAT TO DO NEXT – even if you don’t know the outcome of your actions

Know the nature of your character and WHAT YOU STAND FOR AS A MAN, HUSBAND, FATHER and as the leader you want to be for yourself and others

Know what you REALLY WANT for yourself and for your relationship and start creating it now

INSPIRE AND INVITE people to join you in the kind of life and relationship you expect for yourself

Become an AMUSED OBSERVER of your thinking, your stories and your inner narratives that lead you to dark assumptions and bad feelings

Adopt the MINDSET and PERSPECTIVE of a healthy, confident man who chooses to lead without fear and love without conditions

Build “BULLET PROOF” confidence so you can feel more calm, clear, and emotionally strong in every moment, no matter what’s going on around you

STOP your ruminating thoughts and START HAVING CONTROL over your emotions

Show up with a NATURAL CONFIDENCE that people trust, are attracted to and want to be near

This is course is for you only if…

Your Coaches: Steve Horsmon and Dan Dore

Components of the Course

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