A Masterclass Focused On Forging One Skill: CONFIDENCE
Develop the masculine frame your wife needs to feel trust and safety
LIVE Coaching in a Group Video Setting
Learn How To:
- Create, enforce and respect boundaries.
- Take FULL responsibility for how YOU feel, think and behave.
- Be attractive simply by being yourself.
- Freely express your sexuality and sensuality in long-term relationships.
- Handle the hard stuff and not avoid difficult conversations.
- Pass and be grateful for a woman’s test.
- Deal with the urge to “fix” her or her problems.
- Be and stay “present” even when you want to run or fight.
- Heal shame and all the other shit you’re hiding!
- Attract with inspiration VS attract from deprivation.
- Attachment styles – use your weaknesses as strengths and give each other what you both need in the moment.
- Detach from HER emotions while staying present and helping her through them.
- Unlearn your “Nice Guy” traits and recognize when you’re operating from them.
- Take rejection in your stride.
- Feel confident in work, social, and family settings (including the bedroom)
Receive Unlimited Guidance Between Video Sessions In A Private Texting Group
Have You Been The Nice Husband Who Sacrifices Himself For Others?
Do you feel incredibly unexplored, undervalued, and unappreciated? I know. I did too. Being the doormat in a relationship is a miserable place to be.
Her glare can send you spiraling.
You feel like she holds the keys to the romance department.
“If momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy” has become the staus quo.
The good news is that YOU can be a man who changes everything.
World-known masculinity coaches Mark Drezga and Garrett Prettyman are seeking 8 action-oriented, committed men serious about developing long-term confidence
Course Features:
- A closely bonded small group limited to 8 men.
- Private interaction via text group on the Signal App.
- GoodGuys2GreatMen “Roundtable” Facebook Group Access
- 4 value-packed live video coaching calls spread over 8 weeks.
- Homework and reading assignments to complete between calls
- Access to session recordings
- Zoom video sessions every other Saturday at 5:00 pm Pacific time
- Registration opens for ONE DAY ONLY on April 5th
- The first session is Saturday, April 12th, at 5:00 PM Pacific time
Only Two Monthly Payments Of $424 For The Entire course!
Thanks for everything! You really did help change my life and help me get my life back again.”
“I have changed the way I live to suit my own wants and needs and no one else’s…And I do not apologize for being the person I want to be. I’m living a happier, fun, more open life”
“I could never put a dollar figure to this experience. I am confident in who I am, I’m happy with myself, I live and do what I want to do. My life is awesome”
“My talk with Mark was the important opening that allowed me to recognize and own my problems. This self-awareness and empathy led me to a reconciliation with my wife instead of a disaster.”
“I feel I learned a lot more in 90 min than I have in the last 3 years.”
“I do a better job (now) of focusing on myself and delving deeper spiritually when I feel emotionally off-kilter rather than looking for someone or something on the outside of me to make me feel better.”
I wanted to personally thank you for you and Mark for your teachings on masculine confidence, for me the past month my wife and I have rekindled our marriage and a lot of it has to do with becoming more confident and calm ( the mountain lion). She has told me that she could see a different man in me and it was something she could not live without. We have a solid connection now with a bright future ahead of us, obviously the work is never done and I look forward to future sessions with you. My marriage was on the thinnest ice it was ever on and I can’t thank you two enough for helping me through the hardest fight of my life! Your program works!”
4 Live, In-Depth Sessions Spread Over 8 Weeks
This is NOT a problem-solving course. This course is about developing maturity and presence from DEEP within
Men’s Roundtable Facebook Group Access
This coaching package provides FREE GG2GM Roundtable group membership for life! (That’s a savings of $828/yr). Make life friends with men of integrity, commitment, and solid values from all over the world.
- 3 Roundtable live Zoom calls a month
- Address your specific personal growth and relationship challenges
- Laser-focused support to help you gain a new perspective and turn fear into action
- Learn what books, articles, and videos can immediately help change your thoughts and feelings when you can’t seem to master your emotional world
(Most husbands seriously lack a support system like this in their lives)
**Additional Special!**
The January group will feature a special segment on POWERFUL behaviors that have proven to save marriages, based on real success stories from the men we’ve coached.
This segment is normally part of another program, and we don’t plan to include it for free with future Confidence Course groups.
The special segment includes:
- How your TONE might be misperceived (And what to change so she understands you better)
- What to do if your wife has feelings for another man
- Stop desperate behaviors like helping around the house, getting her flowers, and planning dates by implementing our heart-to-heart connection framework that fosters emotional intimacy.
- How to act in the bedroom so EVERYONE gets their needs met
Why This Isn’t Just Another Internet
Seminar Or Class
Has a world-class athlete ever made it to the Olympics by reading an owner’s manual?
They had a coach.
Teachers give information.
Teachers give solutions to problems.
We as coaches will:
- Call out your bullshit
- Challenge your mindsets
- Ask what nobody else is willing to ask you
- Direct you towards your internal navigation system
- Help you see beyond your current problems
- Point you towards your fears and insecurities
- Believe in you
About Coach Garrett Prettyman:
- Lives In Idaho
- Entrepreneur
- Lover of old places and dogs
- Humor and sarcasm
- Inventive mind
- Jack of all trades, good at welding and fab
- Off-grid survival
- Values new perspectives and others’ input
- Growth focused
- Property investor
- Bitcoin miner
- Mountain man at heart
- Certified Life Coach
My wife’s affair and subsequent divorce knocked my feet out. I spent several years traveling internationally meeting with highly successful men in the world of relationships, business, and personal development. I learned a TON under their guidance. I’ve since coached countless men to create meaningful, deep relationships with confidence and mojo.
About Coach Mark Drezga:
I live in Melbourne, Australia. Being accredited and recognized as a master coach by Good Guys 2 Great Men requires time, effort and a commitment to self-improvement that can only be achieved by going through the fires of life without trying to avoid them.
My journey began the moment I realized how woefully underprepared I was for life’s unexpected changes and challenges. By refusing to grow up and live the life of a mature adult male, I relegated my own sense of control to those closest to me and when they tired of the burden and chose not to lead me any longer, I tumbled (face first) into anxiety and anger.
“There is soo much that I didn’t know…..” I lamented. And with that epiphany, I began to learn.
Working with men of integrity, compassion and love challenges me to better myself by helping them better themselves. The responsibility and privilege of being a role model to my own children extends to them as well. I practice what I preach and am held accountable by the love that courses through me.
Our Brass Ball Guarantee
We want you to be a little afraid to join and have to overcome your own resistance…That’s part of growing confidence! If you’re only willing to join if it’s “Safe” to back out, this group isn’t for you. We’re all in. We know from personal experience, that this stuff works! Like going to the gym, success lies in your own commitment and engagement. If you show up to the sessions, complete the homework, engage in the group, and by the end decide this course didn’t give the value we promised, we’ll give you a full refund.