Sexless Marriage Support Options Paid or Free

Sexless marriage support from Goodguys2Greatmen

Living in a sexless marriage or a long-term sexless relationship has a huge effect on your self confidence and overall mental health.

Of course all married couples go through periods of their relationship where sex slows down (or increases) temporarily, but when we’re talking about long term change in the sexual connection or frequency of physical intimacy, there’s a direct impact on a man’s happiness, sense of masculine strength and self confidence.

Being part of a support group with other men who are also experiencing living in a sexless marriage is incredibly important and a key factor in many of the men we coach leading their relationships back to a place of reconnection and renewed sexual intimacy.

Many of our members say just having a safe space where they can talk about their struggles with lack of confidence, shame and sexual anxiety is hugely helpful in getting them the support and advice they need to re-engage with their spouse in ways that build emotional safety and a foundation of trust and sexual tension which means initiating physical affection becomes natural and easy again.

How do you know your relationship is sexless?

  • Your wife or partner shows no interest in sex
  • Sex happens very infrequently (less than once per month)
  • She says she has a low sex drive
  • Any kind of direct sexual activity is rare
  • Your wife never initiates sex
  • You or your partner don’t feel attractive
  • You don’t talk about sex
  • Sexual desire has waned
  • There’s no physical intimacy of any sort

Being in a sexless marriage or long term relationship can cause

  • Immense levels of dissatisfaction with the relationship which also affects your concentration and mood at work and with your kids
  • Feeling anxiety and tension around your wife
  • Negative thoughts about her and the future of your relationship
  • A sense of dissatisfaction in yourself
  • Porn addiction
  • Extra-marital affairs
  • A feeling of betrayal, helplessness and anger
  • Deep sadness, loss and frustration
  • Lack of self esteem and self worth

If you recognise any of the attributes above, there are support options available to you to help you get through this and either re-ignite the connection, affection and sexual intimacy in your marriage or get clarity on whether it’s time to move on to another relationship.

By directly addressing the problem of sexlessness in your marriage, you will feel more calm, more masculine, more confident and fulfilled with your life as a whole.

Goodguys2Greatmen offer sexless marriage support directly through our one to one coaching programs or our group coaching programs.

Do you want to stay in your loveless and sexless marriage?

One to one coaching is designed to directly work through the issues that cause a breakdown in intimacy, connection, passion, affection, trust, safety, communication and sexual preferences:

Some of the things you will learn are:

Why her reactions to you are almost involuntary and how you can change her reactions by showing her more confidence

Why it embarrasses her to admit she wants to feel more masculine strength from you

Why you should STOP trying to get her to talk about it and what to do instead

How to stop “doing” things for brownie points and start “being” different to create natural attraction

With 10 years experience supporting men to turn-around their sexless marriage, we have a variety of options available for you such as:

In-depth forum discussions where you can read about other people’s sexless marriage experiences and see the support and advice offered from other men who have revived their marriages and from our certified coaches.

Forums are great at helping you understand ways that other people have dealt with situations just like yours – yes often even the same words and actions that you’ve seen from your wife are being discussed by other men in your situation around the world.

They also greatly help you relax just through knowing you’re not the only one dealing with this (it’s incredibly common) and that others have turned around what can feel like a hopeless situation into the passionate, loving and affectionate marriage you know is possible with your wife.

We have many videos that discuss the different reasons and ways to address the causes of a sexless marriage.

There are SO MANY men who struggle through being in a sexless relationship but it’s such a sensitive subject that you may not feel as though you can talk about it freely with your friends or family.

We created our coaching programs to provide somewhere for men can be supported through this painful and difficult situation.

If you want to try and resolve things without the help and guidance of an experienced sexless marriage coach, below are some free options to get support for your relationship issues:

Free Relationship support in the US

One Love Foundation
One Love Foundation is a national non-profit organization with the goal of ending relationship struggles. We empower people with the tools and resources they need to see the signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships and bring life-saving prevention education to their communities.

National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hyper-focuses on understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy.

The Relationship Foundation (TRF)
The Relationship Foundation is an educational nonprofit focused on the essential role of healthy relationships that build a safe space for people to succeed.

Love Is Respect
We offer confidential support for adults and their loved ones seeking help, resources, or information related to healthy relationships and dating abuse in the US.

Reddit forum
There is a subreddit group where people are discussing why they don’t have sex anymore with other Redditors who are also coping with relationships that are lacking in sexual intimacy.

Other support
Many of our Goodguys2Greatmen clients have previously worked with therapists and counsellors before seeking out a male only perspective and support. Some have worked with sex therapists, especially when suffering from physical symptoms such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction and have tried the medications available through your doctor to help with these issues. We can help you with what can feel like a hopeless situation if you’ve tried these options and still find yourself stuck in a marriage that lacks the sexual connection, affection and intimacy you want.

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