Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband
Learn how to become unwaveringly confident in yourself and your ability to lead your relationship back to the intimacy and affection you deserve.
Do you feel like your marriage is slipping from your grasp? In this book I explain key concepts about love and how just being a good guy isn’t enough to keep the passion and excitement in your marriage.
Some of these concepts may challenge your current thinking. At times, you may feel both scared and inspired.
If you follow the process, you WILL emerge with new-found self respect and confidence in yourself.
From there you will be able to see the opportunities that are available to you in your relationships and your work life. You will wonder why nobody told you these things when you were 18 years old. And you may have a few epiphanies that make you shake your head just like I did when I began this work.
In this book you will learn how to:
- Define the values and boundaries that will shape your life and future relationship.
- Stand up for what you want without looking like a jerk.
- Stop feeling nervous in front of your wife and be honest about what you really want and how you feel.
- Use lightness and humor to say what you want to say in just the way you want to say it!
- Change your masculine presence to create more attraction, build connection and trigger her passion again.
- Understand the deeper meaning behind your woman’s coldness, disrespect and rejection.
- Handle conflict and tension without getting rattled and increasing her attraction and desire at the same time.
- Decide whether or not your relationship is salvageable or even worth saving.
- Flip the switch from seeking validation from women to standing strong in a new, self-reliant, masculine frame.

You can buy Straight Talk Tools for the Desperate Husband from these retailers: