Better Husband..

Better Father..

Better Friend..

A Deeper Dive Coaching Course for Men Who Want to Master the Habit of Leading and Mentoring the People They Love


This advanced course work is for you if:

You’ve already done quite a bit of personal work, but want to go deeper

You’ve already been trying to help others, but it feels awkward

You already know the power of having a wise, highly trained mentor in your corner

You wonder how you are going to share your insights with your kids to help them avoid the same mistakes

Couple laughing and having fun together
Father having fun with child

You wish you could be better support for the troubled people in your circle of love

You want to be more SOLID as a husband and feel more natural and “unconsciously competent” in your new and improved masculine frame

You want to be a more serious student of the leadership techniques and skills needed to help those you care about

You want your sense of clear, calm, confident masculine well-being to be a HABIT…not an EFFORT.

Your Personal Coaches: Steve Horsmon and Dan Dore

What Can You Expect in This Course?

You will achieve a level of understanding, awareness and competence in the teaching resources we use to certify our coaches.

You will feel a deeper connection to the ancient truths we teach about the nature of suffering, insecurity and anxiety. (and become more happy in the process!)

The ability to listen and lead better at work and at home with a calm, quiet confidence you may not have felt yet.

How to effectively and easily teach these principles to others without actually “teaching” them.

Learn more advanced tools for understanding differences in personalities and the hidden shadows of shame in yourself…and those you care about.

How to be a man who can quickly re-center himself in any situation and respond more effectively to any “triggering” situation.

Online Men's Group Meetups

Course Description:

This course is laser focused on the Inner Game of:

1. Becoming Crystal Clear About Who You Are and What You Value Most

How to establish clear standards and set clear boundaries

How to speak clearly and unapologetically about your values

Understanding Personality Styles (Myers Briggs vs. DISC vs. Enneagram)

Learn to believe in yourself…no, really…believe in who you are

Facing your own limiting beliefs

Mastering your secret power: Vulnerability

2. Masculinity: What is YOUR Brand? What are Your Shadows?

Alpha? Beta? Sigma? Omega? Who cares?

How to authentically OWN your uniqueness

Understanding the 4 Key masculine energies

Facing your shadows so they don’t own you

3. The Power of Connection and Empathy

How to listen more, talk less and ask life changing questions

How to listen to understand – hear the question behind the question…the fear behind the fear

How to teach tools for awareness, empathy and presence

How to discuss shame and guilt without scaring people off

How to have conversations that don’t feel “preachy”

4. Cultivating Real and Natural Confidence

The keys to achieving Self-Reliance and how to help others attain it

Teaching the 4 Key Stages of a man’s development

How to not get sucked into drama…so you can actually help

Inside Out Thinking and understanding The Three Principles

How to speak without fear, anger or resentment in your body or voice

5. Achieving Maturity With Women and Relationships

Deep dive into understanding Masculine/Feminine energy

Reading feminine energy

How to talk to young men about Red Pill and MGTOW philosophy

How to teach young men about the “Nice Guy” syndrome

Getting real about sexual performance, shame, anxiety and ED issues

Understanding verbal and emotional abuse and narcissism

How to think about challenges of dating

6. Thinking Bigger and Being Mission Centered

Painting a picture of what is possible for the future

Understanding your “mission”, “purpose” or “passion”

Moving from victim mindset to creator mindset

We will be running the course over 6 months starting in April and ending in September. There are a total of 12 two-hour sessions.

These 2 hour classes will be held every two weeks.

You may choose to attend the class live and in person or attend a recorded session. You will be expected to keep up on your own if you cannot attend the live sessions.

Since some students will be watching recordings, we will ask you to give permission for us to record your participation in the course in either video or audio format.

Reading assignments are a regular part of the course and are important as we dive deeper into understanding and learning how to explain the material.

There will be an exclusive and private Facebook group for the students in this course. Additional material will be shared in this group as well.



Price $2750
Option to use Paypal 6-months no interest plan

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