Men’s UK All-Day Live Coaching Event

UK Men's Group Coaching Event

We’re looking for just a few great men! Fifteen to be exact.

  • Sometimes a man just has to get away and surround himself with high quality men of solid character.
  • Why?
  • Because he knows this is what is needed to feed his own growth and confidence.
  • He knows that his character is defined by the quality of the company he keeps. If we are the average of the 5 people we hang around most then this is how we increase our average!

Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel

What’s this all about?

It’s a gathering of smart, inquisitive and caring men on a mission to become the man they want to be.

These men want to connect with like-minded brothers in an inspirational setting ripe for sharing and growing with each other.

These men want to make long term connections with other men and create friendships that last long past this event.

Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel Lounge

Is this for you?

Do you want to be challenged in how you’re thinking and how you’re responding to the events in your life?

Do you want to feel a wave of masculine confidence and self-respect rush into your chest?

Do you want to have fun…LAUGH…and enjoy the camaraderie of a band of brothers you may have never felt before?

If you answered yes to all of those questions then we think this is the PERFECT event for you!

Men's group, men talking and laughing

These are the promises we’re making if you attend:

  • You will LAUGH. A lot. This is designed to be a light-hearted but powerful experience.
  • You will LEARN. A lot. We will present material to challenge your thinking, your words and your actions.
  • You will GROW in your masculine confidence more in the span of 14 hours more than you’ve grown in the last 6 months.
  • You will CONNECT faster and more deeply with men you’ve never met and wonder how that happened.
  • You will EXPAND into a more engaged, thoughtful and deliberate man who can embrace his unapologetic “lover energy” without fear.

These are the details of the event:

  • Arrive at 10:00am at the Library Room of the Chesterfield Mayfair Hotel in London for the opening ceremony and introductions
  • Be spoiled rotten all day in this amazing venue with food, drink and World Class coaching. Lunch is included. Grab a light breakfast on your own before arriving.
  • Presentations, group and individual exercises are designed to challenge you and help you to get clear about who you are, what you believe, what you want and where you’re going.
  • A walk in Hyde Park for a personal exercise and reflection
  • A Happy Hour to unwind and celebrate our new brotherhood
  • A full-on Medieval Banquet starting at 7:15pm complete with 4-course dinner, drinks, costumes, entertainment and fun. (there is a special coaching challenge for you at this event!)

The Goodguys2Greatmen All-Day Live UK Event is Saturday, September 14, 2019

This unique event is limited to only 15 extraordinary men – that’s it.


Contact us to be notified of future events on [email protected]

Still have questions?

Contact us by email here.

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