She wants you!

She Wants You!

The Essential Sexy Secrets to Make Her Chase You…Starting Tonight


A MEN ONLY Live, Interactive Workshop in Fort Collins, Colorado

Saturday, January 28, 2017

10am – 12pm

Only $97 including refreshments

First Bank Downstairs Training Room
100 S. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524

For more information email [email protected] or
[email protected].

Back by popular demand.  This 2-hour workshop will reveal the untold realities about women so you can confidently give her the strong, masculine presence she really craves and get your needs met at the same time. (Most women will never admit to these secrets!)


Learn the truth about a woman’s “No” and untangle that knot of fear in your gut called “Rejection” forever.


You will acquire simple, but powerful “man skills” to create instant attraction and attention tonight!


Quickly build confidence in creating a relaxing, sexy energy with any woman. In this titillating workshop you will get the straight-forward insights and answers you’ve been looking for.

You will learn:

  • The three sexual buzz-killers most guys get wrong before breakfast
  • Three incredibly simple arousal building techniques (that hardly any men use…that will have her dragging you to the bedroom
  • The specific “tone of voice” you must use verbally AND in your text messages to create natural curiosity and attraction
  • Three types of annoying male behavior that make all women sexually turn-off in seconds
  • Three types of irresistibly attractive male behavior that create trust and excitement
  • The one secret you must know to feel unrattled, confident and so you can pass every single one of her sexual “fitness tests”  (there are many you may not know about)
  • How to download a brand new mindset that makes you feel bullet-proof
  • The two unbelievably common mistakes men make that push her away sexually…and what to do instead so she can’t keep her hands off of you
  • How to “take her” sexually in a way that makes her WANT to surrender instead of fight you off

This is what our clients are telling us:

  • “Why didn’t somebody tell me this when I was 20?”
  • “My wife wasn’t sure about my changes at first.  But she is sure now!.”
  • “Looking back on my marriage, I can’t believe what a dope I was. That’s ancient history. I’ve got the relationship now I’ve always fantasized about.”
  • “I got more out of these 2 hours than I did from 6 months of marriage counseling”

Are you ready to take the next step in increasing your mojo so you can create the sparks you want with women?

The workshop investment is only $97!  It is for MEN ONLY and will be the most eye-opening, valuable 2 hrs. you’ve spent all year.

Register and reserve your spot by clicking on the PayPal button below. Once we receive your payment, you will receive a confirmation and welcome email from us.

Come join us for this surprisingly candid workshop about getting what you want!

January 28, 2017 Workshop: She Wants You!



Steve Horsmon

Steve is a leading, certified Men’s Relationship Coach who has helped hundreds of men around the world to drastically improve their romantic relationships and create the happy, satisfying life they want.


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Jenny Adams

Jenny works with men who want deeper, spicier relationships with women, but who do not understand what women truly need or desire. She helps men step into their masculinity in order to make women feel happy and feminine. She trusts that every man is capable of being masculine without being an ass—that they can stand in their power AND make women happy.

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