How To Stop The State Of Your Marriage Overwhelming You

It’s exhausting when you’re constantly thinking about the state of your marriage, but stopping the overwhelming feelings doesn’t mean giving up, it requires getting stronger and more confident in yourself.

Men often contact us when they are staring into the face of a pending separation or divorce.

If your wife has become cold, distant, detached, defensive or constantly indifferent, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

Anxiety Is Your Constant Companion

In this context, the anxiety feels like a knotted, nauseous, agitated feeling of uncertainty that never seems to stop. 

The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>

It takes our emotions from intense sadness to intense fear and, often, uncontrolled anger.  Can’t eat.  Can’t sleep.

It sucks.

And the reason it sucks is because your thinking is gripped by the notion that you have ZERO CONTROL and ZERO INFLUENCE over the alleged source of the anxiety – your wife and her feelings.

This is where some serious coaching is required.  

I know you think the anxiety is 100% caused by HER and the wishy-washy uncertainty she’s created in your life.

But the key to managing your anxiety is making the choice to change the way you’re thinking about your loss of “control”.

Watch this video, then keep reading.

Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>

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The Keys to Eliminating Your Marital Anxiety

As I mentioned in the video, anxiety is usually caused by a few things:

A perceived loss of control over your circumstances and emotions

A loss of connection to meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging

A loss of connection to clear and meaningful values

A loss of connection to your sense of self-respect and confidence

A loss of connection to a story of a safe and happy future

Notice that all of those are in your control.

You may THINK they are out of your control.

You may THINK you have no choices and no power.

And you may THINK the ONLY possible solution to your anxiety is to engineer the ONE AND ONLY outcome that will satisfy you.

The bad news is outcomes have ALWAYS BEEN OUT OF YOUR CONTROL.  

We fool ourselves into thinking that certainty is the source of peace and well-being.  That’s never been true. And you must liberate yourself from requiring certainty to keep you safe and happy.

The good news is there is a proven path to regaining control of your thinking and your emotions.

You can begin to OWN your story of the future no matter what happens.

You can regain the self-respect and confidence you may have had before your thinking got polluted.

And you must begin to declare a new, empowering set of values and personal boundaries that give you a sense of autonomy and control over your responses to the things you don’t control.

This “proven path” is the Goodguys2Greatmen Masculine Confidence coaching method.  It’s the foundation of all of our programs, retreats and courses.

Many times we help you reconnect and reinvent your relationship.

A version 2.0 of you can lead the way to a version 2.0 of your marriage.

And in every case we help you reconnect and reinvent yourself, your values, your confidence and self-respect.

You learn to lead yourself and your relationship to a place that wasn’t possible when you were anxious.

Are you ready to start taking control of the stuff you can control? Here’s how to take your first steps.

Free: If you’re serious about building your masculine mojo then apply for a coaching call with us we will help you identify what to focus on and what to avoid to get you feeling confident again. 

What do I mean by “SERIOUS”?

  • We take YOU and your struggles seriously…because we’ve been there
  • We know dealing with a disinterested wife is serious…and so is showing your kids how a healthy, masculine man responds to adversity
  • A lack of confidence in yourself is serious now and for the long term
  • We believe your personal emotional strength and well-being is serious
  • We seriously show up 110% to our conversations with you and expect you to be as serious as we are about changing your life

Free GuideWhere You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity

$69 Monthly Subscription: Join Dan and I in our Men’s Roundtable Group Coaching membership.  We meet three times per month for live group coaching and we support you in a powerful group of men facing the same issues you are. Get instant access to 5 years of recorded sessions.  Try it for one month. What have you got to lose?

$397 One-Time PaymentHow to Defuse the Divorce Bomb is a self-paced course with me, Tim Wade, and a community of men learning how to lead when you’ve just heard, “I love you but I’m not in love with you” or “I want to separate or divorce.” 

As Teddy Roosevelt said: 
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.” 

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Steve Horsmon Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Steve Horsmon is a Certified Professional Life Coach and owner of Goodguys2Greatmen Relationship Coaching in Livermore, Colorado. He has appeared on many television, radio, youtube, and podcast channels discussing the coaching and psychology factors relating to maintaining healthy relationships. Steve provides personal, practical, action oriented coaching services for men through 1-on-1 coaching, private retreats, group coaching and workshops designed to give men new knowledge, skills and the right mindset to achieve their relationship goals. He is a committed, lifelong mentor for men who teaches his clients how to discover their masculine strength so they can confidently take the actions required to create the life and relationships that they really want. With over 10 years experience he has created thousands of videos and articles for well known relationship websites such as The Good Men Project, Medium and the Gottman Institute.
The Hard-to-Swallow Secret to Saving Your Marriage

The Hard-to-Swallow Secret to Saving Your Marriage

This is the secret your dad never told you about – You have more power than you know.

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