Our Men’s Coaches
I want to personally introduce you to some of the most powerful men’s coaches in the world! These are men of deep wisdom, solid character and unmatched skills in coaching men through the toughest parts of their lives.
They were hand picked by me based on their depth of intelligence and compassion. These coaches have dedicated a year of their life in an intense certification process in order to support my Goodguys2Greatmen community of men. I trust my life with them and, more importantly, I trust them with you.
It’s no secret that men around the world need qualified man-to-man support and mentorship now more than ever. As a result, I needed to train more coaches to keep up with the demand for high quality, transformational coaching for men. As we receive your application for a consultation call you may be matched up with one of these coaches from the start. We match applicants based on various things like geography, age, personal goals and background.
Each man you’re about to meet is the most caring, compassionate, intelligent, grounded and wise man you may ever know. I can’t wait for you to meet them!
Dan Dore – GG2GM Master Coach and Strategic Consultant
Hey men, I’m Dan Dore from Derbyshire, England. I’m fortunate to live near to some of the most beautiful, natural and ancient countryside in the Peak District and Yorkshire Dales.
Ever since becoming a father I’ve been on a path of learning and development to improve how I lead by example in my relationships with my wife and kids.
There have been many difficult moments and decisions along the way which led me to training to be a coach here at Goodguys2Greatmen with Steve. It was the best decision I have ever made – no question.
I’m a men’s coach first and foremost because I care and I know I can help you get a better understanding of what you’re struggling with and move into a more exciting and fulfilling future.
I’ve been through many of the same challenges you have, from growing up as a man in today’s society, to learning how to keep the connection and passion in a marriage (now over 25 years) and also as a father of two young men and one young woman.
I place the health and wellbeing of each man I coach as my number one priority and intention.
What that means is that I promise to serve each of you more powerfully than any other person in your life is able to.
I’m not here to be your friend, I’m here to challenge you to move away from the comfort and fear that you’ve found yourself trapped by, and to step into BEING the man that you LOVE to be.
I’m on your side but that also means that I’m not afraid to tell you what you need to face up to if you want to make fast improvements to your life and relationships.
I’m not afraid to say that I have an amazingly fulfilling job. I love being challenged to reconnect a man with his innate self-worth and bring out his true character and confidence.
It’s amazing how often I hear men say “I knew this relaxed, self-confident, funny, loving, generous and powerful man was inside me all this time, but I just lost trust in being myself and thought putting everyone else’s needs first would make them happy.”
What happens once a man is truly BEING the man he loves to be?
He laughs…A LOT
He gives and receives affection…A LOT
He is honest…ALWAYS
And he takes responsibility to CREATE relationships that reciprocate his values for a passionate and fulfilling life.
Ask me how I know…

Jeff Allen – Certified GG2GM Coach
You’re thinking, “wtf just happened?”
She “loves you but not IN love with you.” She’s shutdown or overly critical. She doesn’t feel passion/connection/respect for you any more. (Read: Very little sex if any.)
I was you 5 years ago. In pain, confused, angry. I didn’t have anyone to talk with about this.
Then I found GoodGuys2GreatMen, and it changed my life.
I live steps away from the gorgeous Rocky Mountains here in Colorado. I have a phenomenal sex life, a fantastic relationship, and amazing connection with my woman.
Now I’m a professional men’s coach and have been working with men for over 2 years. I help guys from (literally) all around the world have fantastic relationships, phenomenal sex, and more respect.
I work with guys that have “tried to do everything right, but it ain’t working.” She may have already dropped the “D” bomb on you, or you fear it’s coming soon. You fear losing your girl. You fear losing your kids. You fear the shame of having a “failed relationship.” (What will people think?)
It’s time to reach out for help. I have helped dozens of men “take their balls out of her purse,” gain their self-respect, and have f@cking awesome relationships.
Now it’s your turn. Contact me now for a consult call. No strings attached.
Lotsa love, brother.
Jeff Allen
PS. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you how many clients of mine have said, “… and then we had sex for the first time in months!”

Mark Drezga – Certified GG2GM Coach
My name is Mark Drezga and I live in Melbourne, Australia.
Residing at the foot of Mount Dandenong, 5 mins away from both dense bush and urban sprawl, I am constantly reminded of the stark difference between our natural state of calm and peace and where we tend to spend most of our time in the midst of noise and chaos.
My journey began the moment I realized how woefully under-prepared I was for life’s unexpected changes and challenges. By refusing to grow up and live the life of a mature adult male, I relegated my own sense of control to those closest to me and when they tired of the burden and chose not to lead me any longer, I tumbled (face first) into anxiety and anger.
Without a navigator, I had nowhere to go and my mind became fixated on the uncertainty of life. The certainty that I thought I had, was an illusion.
Insecurity and self doubt were my new best friends, so it was time to grow-the-fuck up, stop complaining and begin creating the life that I wanted for myself.
“There is soo much that I didn’t know…..” I lamented. And with that epiphany, I began to learn.
The most difficult challenge was getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and understanding that life IS uncomfortable; and the constant desire to change and control things external of me, brought light to the simple truth that I could not – but most importantly – I didn’t need to anyway.
The power was not to be found in becoming a master of manipulation or coercion of my circumstances, but to recognize the strength and ability I already had to respond to life’s challenges as the man that I chose to be. I just needed some help to work out who it was that I DID want to be.
The power of acceptance allowed me to relax into enjoying life, allowing others to make their choices, knowing full-well that I would make mine.
Working with men of integrity, compassion and love challenges me to better myself by helping them better themselves. The responsibility and privilege of being a role model to my own children extends to them as well. I practice what I preach and am held accountable by the love that courses through me.
To be there when the curtain is drawn and they realise that it will never come down again, is both beautiful and humbling. To hear stories of how their wives slowly open up and allow themselves to relax into being their lover and not their mother brings a smile to my dial!
To watch a man make a choice to not only survive the divorce he never wanted, but to go onto thrive despite it – further cements my belief that the only way to have the life that you want; is to be the type of man that creates it.
Garrett Prettyman – Certified GG2GM Coach
My name is Garrett and I coach men who are trying to do it right, trying to make others happy, and who avoids conflict like the plague….Yet your wife is still shredding your heart and leaving you gutted.
I teach you how to create the loving, affectionate, passionate relationship you want without being a passive aggressive jerk who makes matters worse (I know that guy too).
I work alongside you and show you EXACTLY how to use the tools you’ve been reading about on the internet so you can have deeper love, mind-blowing sex, more connection, romance, and money.
Have you been the “nice man”, the “steady provider”, the “perfect catch” that she never appreciates? I used to be that man too.
I was married for 7 years and slammed my head into a wall everyday trying to figure this stuff out.
I learned she had a time bomb ticking and was slowly plotting her way into the arms of another… woman (I know, right!)
I lost my footing, lost my confidence and lost my grounding as a man.
It’s time to get grounded in your manhood.
How about learning…
- Being more confident in and out of the bedroom with your wife
- The six crucial steps to building more intimacy
- How to create more emotional safety and romantic connection
- How to be emotionally honest with her without defending yourself
It’s time to LOVE getting out of bed every day!
How long will you wait to start receiving the benefits of having a man with experience in your corner to show you how to be the happy, confident, attractive man you want to be? An hour? 2 days? A month? A year? Once you decide, the NEXT step is to take ACTION.
If you are like me, you are the kind of man who not only likes to make progress, but you also like to do things for your family. You can do both of those things right now by signing your name to the new version of your life and the new version of your marriage I am offering you. Everything I’ve ever owned or acquired happened AFTER I signed my name to it
You sign your name by setting aside at least 60-90 minutes for us to really connect.

Robin Oetiker – Certified GG2GM Coach
Being Canadian meant being a “Nice Guy”. I used to believe that if I could make everyone else happy, then I would be happy too. Was I ever wrong!
The foundation of my life came crashing down close to four years ago when my wife courageously said the fateful words that brought my relationship to the ground. These paralyzing words left me scared, sad, lonely and lost.
I soon discovered that this foundation was built on quicksand and I was sinking. My crack was full of sand and soon my head would be full as well.
If you’re like I was, you’re probably thinking “How can this be happening to me when I gave her everything she wanted?”. I soon discovered that this way of thinking was the root cause of my problems.
Not wanting history to repeat itself, I removed the sand from my crack with the coaching of an amazing man and the GoodGuys2GreatMen community.
Now, after almost four years of personal growth and working with other men who fell into their own pits of quicksand, I now coach men and help them get the sand out of their cracks.
A few months ago, an amazing man sinking in quicksand grabbed a lifeline I threw him. He recently sent me an email stating: “I will always be grateful to you for entering my life when I sought help and guidance during the most difficult time of my life”.
I enjoy serving men through powerful conversations and knowing that after each conversation they become more empowered to live a fearless life full of happiness and abundance.
If you’re reading this and don’t know how to get started, it’s easy. Fill out an application in the Contact Tab of the GoodGuys2GreatMen website. After that, commit to a Free one-on-one conversation with myself, or any of the other coaches in our community.