Meet the Divine Feminine For Deeper Intimacy with Jenny Adams

How to be with a woman who is bitchy and resentful in a way that makes her soften with you through the gift of your masculinity.

In this incredibly rare conversation you’ll hear from a woman who has expansively opened her heart and sensuality, who wants you to feel more powerful and met by women.

Show notes on the divine feminine

In this conversation we covered:

  • What divine feminine orgasm is and how you can experience more of it
  • How to be with a woman who is bitchy and resentful in a way that makes her soften with you
  • The call from women for MORE of men and how it’s good for you too
  • What to do when you walk in the door at home, or on a date, to help a woman relax into her feminine
  • The gift of your masculinity and how to courageously offer it


Jenny Adams is a a relationship and sex coach for men. She works one-on-one and in groups with men in order for them to learn the true power of their masculinity, feel extremely proud to be a man, and to notice how women react to them differently.

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During online courses and in-person workshops/events held by Access Granted, men learn how to understand women. Men are given tools to improve communication and increase intimacy with women by fully stepping into their masculine in order to help women feel happy and feminine. Provide and Protect: How to Be the Man She Craves is my signature course.

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Dan Dore Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Dan Dore has been a professional Men’s Coach specialising in helping men who are lacking confidence, unhappy and unfulfilled in their life and relationships. Dan has 10 years experience coaching men to improve their self-confidence issues and improve their ability to create more emotional connection, more trust, more respect, and to learn how to lead the sexual intimacy and affection in their relationship whenever they want. If you're tired of dealing with rejection and criticism, Dan will help you challenge the current status, stand up for what you want to change and finally be happy in yourself and your ability to create the kind of connection and passionate life that you really want.
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