My passion for helping men never gets boring.
Every single guy…every single woman…and every single situation is unique.
That’s why “blanket advice” for any given problem is a problem.
Most of the time the solution or response DEPENDS on very nuanced details.
The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>
Still clients call me and email me with urgent questions for some “quick advice”.
Yes, there are a few tried and true tips that apply to almost all situations, like:
- Never be baited into stupid arguments about stupid shit
- Never let someone get away with abusive or destructive treatment without calling it out directly
- Always check your emotional reactions by pausing and being clear about what silly THOUGHT caused that reaction…then RESPOND with deliberate and conscious action
Even those golden nuggets are often misunderstood and misapplied by men all the time.
For example, a client asked me today,
“What should I do when she says I did something to upset her and then she shuts down, disconnects and “stonewalls” against any further communication.”
It depends. What happened? What did you do? How often do you do that? Are you happy with how you handled it? Do you have any clue as to why it upset her so badly?
Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>
What if it doesn’t have anything to do with you? What else is going on with her?
Other articles you may find helpful:
Two BIG Troubles With Couples Counseling!Is A Vulnerable Man Attractive?
And most importantly, “Why are you so tied to her reaction and her approval of you?”
You may have seen this graphic before. My partner, Tim Wade, created this for our upcoming online course called How to Defuse the Divorce Bomb. And, yeah, our company name for that is “Mojopolis”. And we’re the mayors.
This image needs ZERO explanation…except for one thing.
You need to grab a set of bolt cutters and immediately and permanently CUT THE CORD between you and the Femometer.
How do you do that you ask?
You just flip the switch in your brain that makes you realize that you’re already a wildly happy, secure, confident man of tremendous value and humor.
Once the switch is flipped you smile…then you shake your head…then you say, “What a dope I was!”
I’m not making this up. This is actually possible and I see it every single week with men in my program.
And the process of finding that switch is ACCELERATED when you’re able to hear the detailed stories of OTHER MEN and be a part of their process of figuring it out.
And then they get to hear YOUR story. As they see you gaining strength, insight and confidence THEY share in your success.
Your success feeds them and vice-versa.
How do you get involved in a group like that.
Simple, brother.
Click HERE to learn about the upcoming Men’s Cave Group Coaching Program.
It’s exactly what you need if you want to accelerate your acquisition of emotional strength, confidence in your words and actions and boost to your mojo that’s nothing short of amazing.
In fact, if you join this program and DON’T believe you’re getting exactly what I just said by the end of the 4th group session, you get all your money back immediately without any questions, no guilt trip and no hard feelings.
How could anyone “guarantee” that you will feel stronger in your emotions, more confident in your words and actions and a major shot in the ass of manly mojo?
Simple. We see it every single week.
Arguments stop on a dime. Trust and respect return.
Affectionate smiles return. You’ve detached from the Femometer and feel calm, peaceful and deliberate in your thoughts and actions.
And you become quietly pleased with yourself without being as jerk.
My associate coach, Dan Dore, and I are running this 4 month program LIVE via Zoom video conferencing.
It’s going to follow the SAME 90-Day Masculine Confidence Intensive process I use for my one-on-one clients.
But you get to go through the process with the support of other men like you at ONE THIRD of the investment required for my one-on-one program.
Is this a sales pitch?
Hell yes it’s a sales pitch!
I love what I do. I love watching men transform and become happy, confident men with swagger and a smile. I love helping them stand up tall in their relationship and start becoming the man and partner they have always wanted to be.
That’s what I’m selling. And I give you all your money back if you feel like I didn’t deliver.
Who does that? People who believe in what they’re doing and who know how to deliver results, that’s who.
And more importantly, I will believe in YOU more than you may believe in yourself right now. Sometimes that’s all it takes to help a man find that switch and start making exponential improvements.
I have a coach in California named Rich Litvin. I’ll see him in April because I’m helping him run his annual intensive in Santa Monica.
He convinced me that investing in myself was non-negotiable. That I will never take any client deeper than I am willing to take myself (or let someone else take me!)
He believed in me at times when I didn’t think I had the courage to believe in myself. And he changed my life.
Why did I just tell you that?
Because I want to do the same for you.
It’s that simple.
Go the this page to read more about the coaching dates, the benefits and results you can expect and the pricing.
There are two payment plans available.
And, remember, there is absolutely NO RISK to you.
The only risk we have in life is not showing up.
Here’s the link once more:
The Men’s Cave Group Coaching Program
Here’s the Guarantee In Writing:
If you attend the first 4 sessions of this program in their entirety, actively participate in the coaching, ask questions and actively participate in the Secret Facebook Group…and you decide the program isn’t delivering what you expected…you will email personally and say, “It’s not working for me.” I will happily and lovingly send you all money paid up to that point. I will ask you for feedback to help me improve the program. And that’s it. Simple.
I’m just a phone call away if you want to chat about this and decide whether it’s a fit for you. I’m currently not taking new one-on-one clients until mid-March, but I’d love to hear your story and tell you about other options to get the support you need. Click here to send me your info and I’ll contact you asap.