The KEY To Improving Intimacy In Marriage

Taking action is the key to improving intimacy in marriage. Masculine energy is proactive, decisive, courageous, bold, forward moving energy. It’s attractive because you have to be willing to take a risk for something you believe in.

It’s time to stop binge-watching all my videos and start doing something. In this article, I compare how binge-watching repair videos didn’t fix my truck. Taking action did. I guarantee you’ll also start getting results when you start taking action.

I need to replace the heater core in my Dodge 2500 truck. It’s leaking smelly radiator fluid onto the carpet and the defroster just fogs up the windshield.

The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>

Gotta do it.

Apparently, this is a really common problem on the 2002 models…along with the self-destructing plastic dashboard on these trucks.

So I did what we all do. I Googled it. Then I watched about 20 videos on the 125 step-by-step procedure for dashboard removal and part replacement and re-installation.

Holy crap. It’s a 6 hour job.

Then I start looking for “options”. I was hoping to find “easier” things like radiator STOP LEAK and other totally ineffective ways to avoid digging into the real problem.

Masculinity Takes Responsibility, Faces Risks & Fears

What am I afraid of, you ask?

Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>

  • That I can’t do it.
  • I’ll break something else.
  • I’m concerned I’ll get it apart and can’t get it back together…and then I can’t even drive it to the mechanic?
  • I’ll look stupid.

Maybe I’ll watch 20 more videos and just add radiator fluid and put an absorbent diaper on the floor.

I think about this issue when guys send me emails saying they’ve been binge-watching my videos but never had the nerve to reach out. Even the simple act of sending me an email took months…sometimes years.

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Too risky.

I get it. I’ve put off contacting coaches I’ve wanted to work with in the past.

I was afraid:

  • Of trusting them to help me
  • I couldn’t trust myself to follow through to get what I most wanted
  • To face risks

In this video, I want to talk with you precisely about that.

YouTube video

The KEY To Improving Intimacy in Marriage

“The journey starts with a single step—not with thinking about taking a step.”
― Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness

The biggest obstacle to a man getting what he wants is to spend too much time thinking about it.

The Masculine KEY To Improving Intimacy in Marriage Is Taking Action

Confidence Is Not A Prerequisite To Taking Action…It’s A Result.

This is why I recommend that you slow way down on the videos and self-help books until you’ve actually implemented ONE IDEA you’ve learned so far.

Don’t get tangled up in self-help hell. 90% of the stuff we read is saying the same thing. This missing link is action.

And if you think your NEXT action step is to talk with someone who can help you, then do it.

There are people who have done what you want to accomplish and it’s not weak to ask them for help. They’ve already made the mistakes necessary to help you avoid them. (which is why I have an appointment with my mechanic on Tuesday).

We do dozens of free consultation calls every month for men who are ready to take the next logical step.

I can make a guarantee for you right now.

I guarantee that the discomfort level of whatever relationship or marriage nightmare you’re experiencing will be reduced from Level 10 to Level 5 in ONE HOUR.

I know this because I know when you speak to someone who has been in your shoes your fear and loneliness level always drops about 50%.

My truck is fixed now. I took action and got a professional mechanic involved. I’ll say this again since 3rd time is the charm: Taking action is the masculine key to improving intimacy in your marriage!  I hear something from men over and over. Men who’ve finally taken action and reached out to me. They all say: “Why didn’t I do this sooner!!”

Click this link to go to the Contact Page on my site.

Take action. Let’s connect.

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Steve Horsmon Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Steve Horsmon is a Certified Professional Life Coach and owner of Goodguys2Greatmen Relationship Coaching in Livermore, Colorado. He has appeared on many television, radio, youtube, and podcast channels discussing the coaching and psychology factors relating to maintaining healthy relationships. Steve provides personal, practical, action oriented coaching services for men through 1-on-1 coaching, private retreats, group coaching and workshops designed to give men new knowledge, skills and the right mindset to achieve their relationship goals. He is a committed, lifelong mentor for men who teaches his clients how to discover their masculine strength so they can confidently take the actions required to create the life and relationships that they really want. With over 10 years experience he has created thousands of videos and articles for well known relationship websites such as The Good Men Project, Medium and the Gottman Institute.
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