(Part 3) Failing Marriage: 3 Things To Avoid

Hey brother,

A while back I came up with 50 Ways To Be a Happily Divorced Man.

The whole point of the list was to describe the type of man all of us would love to be.  It’s about living freely, happily and confidently as a man who takes charge of his happiness, is fearless in his relationships and has a very healthy detachment from all things and people he does not control.

And the most important reason I made the list was because I realized that in my marriage, I could hardly check ANY of the boxes!  

The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>

I wondered how my life and marriage might have gone if someone had told me I could have all traits of a happily divorced man and STAY MARRIED!

This concept is a key teaching point in coach Garrett and Mark’s Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

I highly recommend you look into this course and join a small group of men who are permanently changing their lives for the better.


Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>

This is part 3 of a 3-part series called “Failing Marriage: 3 Things To Avoid” (Click HERE to read part 2). I’m about to share my personal experience. I hope you can learn from my mistakes and be all the wiser!

Failing Marriage: 3 Things To Avoid If You Want To Turn It Around

  1. Don’t use triggers to determine your behaviors, choices, or actions.
  2. Don’t assume sacrifices and loyalty will win a woman’s heart (know how to value your differences instead).
  3. Avoid holding out for her if she’s said, “I’m done”.

I know all too well what it’s like to love a woman who doesn’t want to be with you.

I also know what it’s like to love a woman who used to love you but no longer does.

In my early days, I used logic to try to attract a girl who clearly didn’t love me.

I believed that if I saved myself for her by not dating anyone else, she would end things with her boyfriend.

In my imagined fairytale, she would become my dream wife by falling in love with my devotion and abstinence from other women.

I demonstrated these traits to her by not dating any other girls for YEARS while she was dating other guys and seemingly not interested in me.

Despite her full knowledge of my interest, my years of availability for her never seduced her. 

Even after my divorce, I waited a few years to date.

My reason was to work on my loneliness without feminine support and to grieve the loss of my marriage.

But if I’m honest, I also hoped my wife would come running back and I would still be available for her.

Over the last few years of doing men’s work, I’ve come to terms with a startling reality.

I’ve seen more of my clients save their marriage by divorcing her and moving on than by waiting around like a loyal puppy.

I’ve even seen this in my dating life.

Once you have a girlfriend, two more women almost always start chasing you.

When you’re solo with no girlfriend, you tend to go unnoticed by the ladies.

Being The Kind Of Man Women Chase 

When we see women pursue a man who appears to be solo, it’s usually because he’s confidently leading a life of FREEDOM.

He’s doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants.

He doesn’t hold back because of fear.

He pushes the limits of what he can create in this life where other people would hesitate.

These are the guys we see solo sail the Pacific, get in a position of leadership or stand for a cause while everyone else plays it safe.

The lesson is clear.

Sitting at home waiting for our runaway wife to come back NEVER works.

Waiting is like getting our boat stuck on a sand bar.

She wants to be on a boat that’s going somewhere. 

Being a martyr by enduring years without sex, weeks without meaningful conversation, or a job we hate is like sinking our boat in the sand

Being The Man Your Wife Would Cheat With

It goes without saying.

When a woman does have an affair, it’s never the man paying her bills or sharing her bed who she cheats with.

Yet what do we men tend to do when she pulls back and we want intimacy?

We try to spend MORE time with her, share MORE experiences with her, and talk about the relationship MORE with her.

Less is more.

Being the kind of man she would cheat with means we are living our own life.

In order to be this kind of man, we must STOP seeing her moods or affection as having any meaning about our value, integrity, or purpose.

Thinking we need her permission to live our life puts our balls in her purse and makes it hard for her to respect us. 

We need to formulate our own script we operate by that makes us want to get out of bed every day and enjoy living.

Mark and I will help you clarify a new meaning for your purpose as a man in our Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

Being a MAN is your inherent role on this earth.

Yet what that means has become hazy in our modern times.

In the course, we will help you get back to the primal roots of what it means to be masculine and what it means to be feminine.

The magic of attraction between masculine and feminine has existed for all of eternity.

You can tap into this magic by learning how to stay in your own pole (and let her be in hers).

Click HERE to pay and save your spot!

Your marriage could very well depend on it.

The cost is only two monthly payments of $424. 

We’ll see you in the course!

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Dan Dore Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Dan Dore has been a professional Men’s Coach specialising in helping men who are lacking confidence, unhappy and unfulfilled in their life and relationships. Dan has 10 years experience coaching men to improve their self-confidence issues and improve their ability to create more emotional connection, more trust, more respect, and to learn how to lead the sexual intimacy and affection in their relationship whenever they want. If you're tired of dealing with rejection and criticism, Dan will help you challenge the current status, stand up for what you want to change and finally be happy in yourself and your ability to create the kind of connection and passionate life that you really want.
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The Hard-to-Swallow Secret to Saving Your Marriage

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