By: Steve Horsmon
This may be my shortest blog post ever. Good, huh?
These words may be the most important I’ve written for another person – man or woman.
The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>
These words helped me see things differently and start a new path in my life.
During the darkest times in my marriage (yes, failed marriage), a great man and mentor told me this,
“The changes you need to make in yourself may or may not save your marriage. They ARE the ONLY changes that could lead your wife to choosing to stay and work on a better marriage. They are the ONLY changes that will bring back your confidence and self-respect. I’m more concerned with your NEXT relationship. You need to make these changes for that!”
Call or email ANYTIME if you want to talk about these changes and why they are so important to you. You only have the rest of your life remaining.
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It’s time to start making changes that will change your life!
Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>