Can You Make Your Wife Love You Again?

Hey brother,

I love this article from Coach Garrett Prettyman.  

He is hitting on all the points that make up the foundation of a calm, clear, confident man.

The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>

This means he gets a profound sense of peace from his INTERNAL sense of value, self-respect and mission.

AND…he is able to clear up his own thinking and regulate his own emotional responses because those OUTSIDE forces don’t jack him around anymore!

Coach Garrett and Mark Drezga are starting a new round of this popular and effective program – the Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

Here’s Garrett.

This email explains how we can easily get caught up on surface-level issues in our marriage. Asking if you can make your wife love you again is a surface-level question. We can DO all the right things, but that won’t attract our wife’s loving affection if we’re not BEING the kind of man who makes her feel emotionally safe and trusting. Below are three better questions to ask ourselves. These questions will help uncover underlying issues when our wife seems to have lost interest in us.

Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>

A few days ago, Google directed a man to my blog because he had a heartfelt question.

His question was, “Can you make your wife love you again?

If you’ve ever wondered if your wife can love you again, you know how he must feel.

No doubt his story is much like yours or mine.

He remembers when his wife used to respond affectionately to his touch and smile when he entered the room.

Having an intimate and supportive relationship with her probably inspired him to work hard at his job and remain committed to the relationship.

But over the years, something changed.

A small peck on her cheek seems to annoy her now.

Placing his hand on her leg makes her tense up.

He’s met with excuses when he tries to initiate sex with her.

He hoped this was just a phase but over the months, it has only got worse.

Today, he’s wondering if she will ever love him enough to engage in the intimate, respectful, nurturing relationship he craves to have with her.

Asking if our wife can fall back in love with us is a surface-level question.

You see, we can DO all the right things in our relationship but if we make her feel disconnected, pressured, or criticized we can kiss intimacy goodbye.

Without a consistent experience of emotional safety and connection, she won’t feel enough trust to expose her intimate side.

2. What Limits You From Building Connection, Trust, & Emotional Safety With Your Wife?

It’s ironic how we, as guys, tend to answer this question the same.

We tend to focus on what needs to change about HER (like her state of limbo, irrational thinking, or emotional drama).

Another usual response is getting stuck on deciding if the relationship is worth our effort or not.

These common responses send a message to her that we can’t see past our own discomfort to connect with her feelings.

This makes us feel boyish and like a powerless victim to her.

It should go without saying that being a victim or acting boyish isn’t the path to building a better connection with our wife.

Criticizing her moods, arguing, walking on eggshells, and being resentful doesn’t help either.

When we look closer at ourselves, we might find even deeper issues.

These deeper personal issues are what we need to focus on to unblock a meaningful emotional connection with our wife.

Without it, she won’t be able to trust herself to be soft and affectionate towards us.

3. What Is 100% In Your Control Right Now?

Happiness, confidence, clear boundaries, and mojo only come from staying focused on things 100% in our control.

Our wife’s feelings towards us are under our influence, not under our control.

Whenever I speak to a man who is frustrated, lonely, upset, rejected, or in panic mode, it’s because he’s been focusing on things that are either out of his control or only under his influence.

When I’m coaching a man who doesn’t know what to do next in his relationship (limbo) it’s usually because he hasn’t forged an internal masculine frame that is 100% in his control.

Although this sounds like simple advice, many of us didn’t know HOW to build a masculine frame that is 100% in our control before our marriage called for it.

A Call To Confidence

If we have a blueprint or a “compass” to follow, we will always know how to respond to things like being rejected for sex, marriage limbo, or the uncertainty of her feelings towards us.

Hint: Her timing or clarity of feelings is not a compass.

Last year, a man we’ll call John, joined our Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course.

John was down in the dumps.

He and his wife hadn’t had sex in many months.

His wife was unsure if she could continue in their marriage of 25+ years.

He learned how to have his own compass to follow even when his wife was withdrawn or emotional.

He learned how to give her emotional space without walking on eggshells around her.

Her passion for him returned and to this day, they are both loving a brand new version of their marriage!

In our Vital Formula To Masculine Confidence Course, we teach you how to forge an internal locus of control.

The boat is leaving port!!

This is your last week to join the course.

Click HERE to pay and save your spot.

The cost is only two monthly payments of $424.

We’ll see you in the course!

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Dan Dore Certified Professional Men’s Coach
Dan Dore has been a professional Men’s Coach specialising in helping men who are lacking confidence, unhappy and unfulfilled in their life and relationships. Dan has 10 years experience coaching men to improve their self-confidence issues and improve their ability to create more emotional connection, more trust, more respect, and to learn how to lead the sexual intimacy and affection in their relationship whenever they want. If you're tired of dealing with rejection and criticism, Dan will help you challenge the current status, stand up for what you want to change and finally be happy in yourself and your ability to create the kind of connection and passionate life that you really want.
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