This is one of the most common questions we help men with. Is it wrong to want her to love you? The problem is how you choose to respond when you are in a relationship with a woman who is not loving, affectionate or even kind toward you.
I Want Her To Love Me And Validate Me.. Why Would That Be Wrong?!
You will recognize it because I know YOU have asked this question – at least in your own head.
Hell, I’ve asked myself this question in a variety of ways over the years.
Here’s the question exactly as it appeared today in one of our group chats.
The 3-Step Emergency Triage for You AND Your Marriage >>
“Just a question to satisfy myself. I hear a lot in this group : do not be seeking approval , do not be looking for validation from your Partner.
But really isn’t that what every person in the world wants? Don’t we all want to be loved? And isn’t that what love is supposed to do? And isn’t that what we try to so with our wives? Make them feel loved and adored? Isn’t that what relationships do?
If we don’t get approval from our partner what is the point of the relationship if we can’t give that and receive that?
Or are we all supposed to believe Def Leppard …’Love bites’?”
If I start typing an answer now, I may never stop.
There’s so much to say, I’m going to go straight to video.
Free Guide: Where You Should Focus To Grow Your Masculinity >>
Here are 7 minutes of man-to-man coaching on this subject.
Other articles you may find helpful:
The Mistake of Treating Her as Your EqualMy Wife Doesn’t Love Me – How Can I Fix This?
This is what your dad, uncle or grandfather may not have told you.

Is It WRONG To Want Her to Love Me??!!
Bottom Line: No, It’s Not Wrong To Want To Be Loved BUT…
…As I always say, there is a HEALTHY way and an UNHEALTHY way express your desire for love and intimacy.
There is a SECURE way and an INSECURE way to show up in a relationship.
There is a MATURE approach and an IMMATURE approach to getting what you want from your life and ALL your relationships.
Some people believe that two people should learn to soothe, nurture and support each other’s wounds and insecurities.
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I would agree! That is a hallmark of two loving, conscious and emotional mature people.
But if a man is constantly feeling resentful, angry and/or dissatisfied in his marriage, there’s a good chance he has work to do on the loving, conscious and mature part of himself.
- It changes your daily attitude about your relationship.
- It changes your perspective on what a healthy marriage is.
- It gives you confidence and compassion when things aren’t going perfectly.
The thought “I want her to love me” can be filled with positive energy and mature invitation. Sometimes all you need is a new perspective. Becoming more loving, conscious and mature will quickly change your whole life.
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