Is your wife never in the mood for sex? Most of us men believe that we just need to be better at “turning her on”, but What if I told you that’s not the answer? In this article I address the root issue that creates a more connected, passionate and sexual relationship.
I saw this question in one of our secret Facebook groups today.
An unsatisfied, unhappy and unfulfilled husband expressed his desire to make his wife turned on for him. He wanted a great sex life with her! (who doesn’t, right?)
Then another man in the group answered with a simple question.
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Do You Want A Great Sex Life Or A Great Life That Includes Sex?
Sometimes a powerful question is more important than a powerful answer.
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It points to a very simple “punch in the nose” reality. This is a punch that keeps coming back for more every time we forget this simple truth. (and boy is my nose sore)
Unsatisfied, unhappy and unfulfilled men don’t have much sex.
And it’s common for us to believe that if she only had more desire and passion for us everything would be better.
As I explain in this video, we can never get enough of what we don’t really need to be happy. (even $1000 worth of sex)
Being a satisfied, happy, fulfilled man is a place we must learn to come from.
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Do You Want Great Sex or a Great Life That Includes Sex?
Here’s another punch in the nose.
We Have No Business Griping About A Wife Never In The Mood For Sex If We Aren’t Turned On Within Ourselves
Turn-on is an energy of excitement, enthusiasm and passion for something.
If we lack this turn-on in:
- Our own sense of self-respect, nobody else can be turned on by us.
- Our career or business, our sexual appeal will be lukewarm at best.
- How we parent our kids or engage with our friends and family, how can we expect to turn-on any woman?
TURN-ON is an inside job and it’s the number one variable affecting your wife’s ability to feel turned on by you.
In other words, you must be a man who is more focused on leading a great life that includes sex than one who is simply focused on having a great sex life.
Here’s what a recent member just emailed me recently:
“My wife and I have been married for almost 12 years and for the last two or so we have really be struggling with my anger, depression, anxiety that results from my sexual frustrations and lack of intimacy in our marriage. I am very successful and literally every single thing in my life is great….yet I have fallen into the cycle of letting my validation tank be filled only through sex with my wife. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You for reminding me of who I really am and helping me kill that annoying hummingbird.”
It comes down to a man being able to lead himself to a happy place so she can follow. A wife never in the mood for sex can be a gift. It’s a unique time for a man to get focused on what he needs to do with his life so he isn’t putting all his eggs of happiness in her bucket.
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