We speak to men everyday who want to know how to make their wife want sex again. In this article I explain what you can do straight away that will start to rekindle her attraction to you.
The story is common.
A man posts in one of our secret Facebook support groups: “How long do I wait before she wants to have sex with me again?!”
He’s been “working on himself” for a couple of months.
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Trying harder to help around the house and being nicer to her are the first things he tries.
Then he ups his game by backing off the pressure…dressing better…showing up in better moods. He even starts being a better dad and speaks more fondly of his mother-in-law.
Still. Nuthin.
What happens next is something he can’t see.
And he doesn’t know that not only can she see it, see SMELLS it like a juicy fart in an elevator.
Molecules start oozing from his body and surround him. No matter what he says or does, the stench is unmistakable to her.
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And until the smell goes away she can’t even IMAGINE saying yes to sex. On rare occasions she will submit with the hope it will clear the air…at least temporarily.
In this video I tell you what type of molecules they are.
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It’s science. You believe in science, right?

The “Science” Behind Her Wanting Sex Again With You
The Chemical Breakdown of Sexual Neediness
Here are the key atoms that make up the stinky molecule of sexual neediness. The molecule has precisely one atom of these elements.
- Disappointment
- Frustration
- Resentment
- Anger
- Judgment
- Fear
- Sadness
- Entitlement
Are you aware of any of these atoms present in your body, attitude or demeanor?
If yes, you’re not allowed to ask the question again. This is because the answer is NEVER. She will never actually WANT to have sex with you when she smells those atoms.
The man she THINKS about having sex with has different molecules that are the OPPOSITE of those molecules above.
So, there’s your coaching for today.
And this is important, brother. Notice I didn’t say DO the opposite.
I said BE the opposite.
If your next question is, “Okay, I think I get it. But HOW do I do that? How do I BE that way consistently without allowing all the bad molecules back in?”
This is a question of reclaiming your natural mojo. It’s about being a secure, confident, mature and HAPPY man on the INSIDE.
And it’s about the startling realization that there’s no amount of sex on earth that can give you that.
Last thing you should know.
The men who do this work and do it right will usually say something like, “She grabbed me in the hall today and kissed me hard against the wall. I never saw it coming.”
In our support communities happy, fun, secure, confident husbands start attracting sex from their wife all the time. She doesn’t put sex back on the table until you’ve created a life you love. YOU can start creating a life you enjoy right now. A life where you’re not checking the “sex clock”. You won’t see the kiss coming when it does come…
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It’s a simple multiple choice question.