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 Testimonials from some great men
“Steve has become a dear friend and a brother. He has helped me change my life to what I want on my terms and according to my own values. 
Steve has helped me transform from being a nice guy who had everything but was not happy feeling empty and alone. Now, I am a Man who has so much more! I am living life, every moment to the fullest, happy, satisfied, confident and ambitious. Thank you Steve for being my guardian angel.

And I’m looking forward to having Steve be a part of my new Éternelle Wellness Center here in Canada!”   Dr. Hani H. Sinno, MD – Montreal

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“Out of the blue one day my wife and mother of our two young kids said to me I can’t take this anymore we’re done.  She said she wanted a divorce. I was devastated.

I spent months reading Internet articles and just being passive hoping things would blow over while in the back of my mind blaming my wife for everything. I was a kick ass father and busted my ass as a husband. Threats of divorce came often and I felt like I was on a roller coaster.

Luckily I came across Steve at his Goodguys2Greatmen site. After reading his website I instantly felt connected. I started watching his YouTube videos and I started resonating with a lot of topics he covered. After a month I finally decided to reach out and ask for his guidance. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

From our first call Steve was offering me ideas to not only make our relationship better but make me a better man. I quickly leaned things that would not only help my relationship but more importantly help me grow as a man. Steve instantly became my trusted resource for tough questions and conversations that were taking place in my life. We spent hours together via phone and email working though some very tough situations.

My marriage is now in a more stable place. There are less arguments and more common ground. I’ve learned to be aware of how I contribute to my own happiness. I am thankful that I came across Steve’s website and would highly recommend his program to ANYONE that wants to improve their marriage and more importantly themselves.”  Ryan Q. – Illinois 

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“I came across a random article on Twitter that grabbed my attention entitled “The Man you need to be to have the relationship you want” I was separated and struggling to make sense of my relationship and my place in the universe at the time – seeking clarity to create the life I want for myself. Steve’s articles, videos, and messages are honest, refreshing, and resonated deeply with me. I subscribed to his mailing list and sent him an email – he responded immediately and we set up a Skype call. From that first call, his extensive knowledge, his openness to connect, listen and willingness to support was exactly the brotherly support that I needed.  We worked intensely together for 3 months – sharing stories, articles, books, practices, frequent emails and weekly calls, the value of which is priceless. I took the first step and decided to invested in myself to achieve the life I want, Steve then transported me to where I wanted to be. I am back with my wife and family, fully present, more grounded and clearer about my role, my values, my path, and the Man I choose to be. There are very few connections in life that when started, the impact lasts a lifetime. Steve and I have never met in person and I live halfway around the globe from him, yet the bond we established is one of the strongest I’ve had with anyone. Steve’s work continues to support me along my journey to achieve my desired goals and is always there for me. Steve is a friend, a brother, a kindred spirit and a spiritual guide.”  Walid F. – Jordan

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I struggled for years not knowing how it felt and what it meant to be a man. I didn’t know where to look, who to talk to, or what to do. I stumbled across an article Steve had wrote about being a man. I contacted him within the week and had one conversation with him and knew he could help me. Unfortunately, it was a whole year later that we had our second conversation – after I decided to end an unhealthy long-term relationship. Steve helped me specifically find and live my values in life. He taught me the importance of my masculinity and how to share it in great ways with everybody in my life. He got me clear on what a man is and how a man lives and loves and taught me the true meaning of confidence. He got me to see my purpose in life and showed me how to celebrate my manhood in the presence of anybody and everybody. The process was highly emotional. A lot of crying. A lot of regrets. But once that was over I felt the most hope I have ever felt in my life. I felt that I was actually becoming the man I was meant to become and he guided me through all of the roller coasters, and ups and downs, with a clear vision and goal of where I wanted to be when I was done. I needed a push in the right direction and the right knowledge, skills, and tools. I learned to be a better father to myself. I learned to do things for me and live and love in the ways I wanted to without fear. I’ve met an incredibly loving and caring woman because I believe I could. You truly do build your own world under Steve’s guidance and there is no turning back, which is the best possible thing for anyone looking to become a great man. I am indebted to him for life and will always love him for the tools and confidence he has given me. Willie R. – Canada

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I found Steve while being in the midst of the self-development process and on the path to improve my marriage. I was already familiar with some main concepts that Steve was advocating but I have been overwhelmed with different strategies and techniques learned from various sources. Steve helped me clear up my mind, helped me believe in myself and designed a specific action plan that best fit my particular situation. Steve has gained a great insight into a complex nature of man-woman relationships and has knowledge and tools to help men improve themselves. Steve’s listening and understanding skills, his knowledge, compassion and dedication to my situation was beyond my most optimistic expectations. After each of my sessions with Steve I felt tremendous uplift, confidence and clear vision of what I needed to succeed in resolving my issues. In my opinion Steve earned himself a place among the best life coaches on the market today and I would recommend him to anybody who is looking for getting a top notch life and marital advice. L.S. – Canada

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My wife was told about Steve Horsmon from a friend. We both knew some things in our marriage needed to change but weren’t sure where to start. After looking at the goodguys2greatmen website, reading some articles and following Steve on Facebook, we felt like this might be a step in the right direction for me. After some discussion, we decided Steve’s Masculinity Tune-Up might be a good fit for me and so that was her gift to me for Valentine’s Day. This program showed me that I was no longer the man my wife married and she was taking on more and more responsibilities because I wasn’t “manning up.” Not only did Steve help me realize that I needed to change for my relationship but also for myself. Through some great coaching, I have been able to make a U-turn in my entire life. I feel like I am becoming the man I want to be and my relationship is improving because of it. My only regret is that I lost some good years with my wife. The Masculinity Tune-up has helped me realize that the future will not be lost and I am looking forward to many fantastic years ahead with my wife. I not only appreciate Steve as a life coach but he has now become my friend.  Steve – Wyoming

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During my first phone call with Steve I was in tears at some moments about my relationship and general emotional status. However, on that call I also felt really comforted by the possibilities of working toward being a better man and getting my woman back. I just finished my 4th meeting with Steve… I’m not yet fully back with this woman that I love, but I am now calm, confident, and actually looking forward to diffusing any and all potential situations that might arise when I interact with her. I’m enjoying my life for myself and enjoying the time that I spend with her. Reaching out to Steve and other men is a great step toward being the man you want to be for yourself and all those surrounding you. I know I’ll still need more moving forward (and forever)… but I’m excited about it. Thanks Steve! Gabe – New Orleans

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As a result of Steve’s “masculinity tune up” program I identified areas where I need to “man up” in my marriage. Probably due to lack of my own dad’s example and mentoring on how to be a man, for the better part of my 11 year marriage I had been unknowingly exhibiting some boyish behavior in my interactions with my wife which I blamed her for (her “moods”, lack of interest in sex, physical and emotional distance, etc).  

I too, had become angry and lashed out verbally at her and she was not feeling safe.  I did not want a divorce but couldn’t imagine staying married the way things were, and basically had resolved to “get through it” for the sake of our three young kids.  I was pretty desperate for some change and stumbled upon one of Steve’s comments on Huffington Post and began reading his site.  I was skeptical at first.  I’m a confident, self-made, urban guy and I’ve never used a coach before but needed help and figured what the hell do I have to loose… let’s give this wife-whispering cowboy a shot.  It’s not like I was going to talk to one of my recently divorced buddies about this stuff over a beer.  

Through the “tune up” program I realized I wasn’t seeing my part in the problem, and the strength I had to change the situation by changing my own behavior.  Steve’s coaching challenged me by revealing some of the things I was overlooking about my marriage, my wife’s needs, and pointed me toward a more manly response.  He gave me the inside track on what she was looking for as a woman and what she would respond to.  

By following some simple guidelines, doing reading assignments, and having some very good long talks with Steve I started changing my behavior… and my wife responded.  She opened up more.  She started getting the emotional safety and security she needs and I was beginning to be able to have sex with my wife again.  Things aren’t perfect but three months later we’re definitely on the path to healing and I no longer feel like I’m sharing a bed with an angry roommate.  There’s a spark again, we’re a lot more connected, and I think we both see the possibility of a long future together.  I don’t want to make this sound easy. There were some some big steps I needed to take toward her, and some ingrained reactions I am daily attempting to change.  But I am seeing surprising results.

I’d very much recommend working with Steve if you’re in a rough spot in your marriage and need some sage advice from a wise dude.  But only if you’re willing to listen, look at yourself, and possibly take some difficult actions.  He’s a man’s man who’s not afraid to call you out on your shit.  But don’t be fooled by the cowboy hat, his advice is always given with the kindest of words, funny anecdotes about his own foibles, and the best of intentions. If you willing to go on the journey with Steve it’s a great ride.

Giddy Up!  Tom K. – Los Angeles

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As a coach, Steve helped me truly understand what I was not bringing to my relationship, how what my relationship desperately needed was inside of me, and how my not ‘showing up’ impacted my relationship in a way that I didn’t want. He then encouraged me, checked in with me, sent me relevant articles and thoughts to my situation, and firmly held me accountable for what I claimed to want. He will gladly do the same for you. He’s a wizard! He’s friendly and firm. He’s wise and open. He’s confirming and encouraging. He will move you like you’ve never been moved before . . . if you are truly ready. He will be worth your time. Jacques Fournet – Fort Collins (email me for a reference at[email protected])

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This is what I gained working with Steve: * Dealing with challenges like a man – with gratitude for the tough things, and an understanding that ‘giving’ is my method for getting myself out of a slump. * Confidence that the sexual ‘crap’ I’ve dealt with for 20+ years is in my head (I knew this, but the power of Steve talking about it changed my perspective). * An understanding that I am the only one responsible for me – simplistic and somewhat hard to deal with after being a ‘victim’ for many years, but valuable! * Knowledge of the kind of quality people I want in my circle (the concept of the circle in general, in fact!) and the kind and quality of woman that I deserve in that circle. * That I’m alright – I think what I was needing the most from Steve was affirmation and to tie up some loose ends in the direction/purpose of me. Steve gave that to me with enough challenge that I have a lot of confidence – and tasks/things to work on – for the near future. Jason D. – Colorado

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There is a LOT of information out there to help men out with relationships; books, blogs, magazines, coaches. On one level, the diversity of opinions about how to ‘swoon’ women can be overwhelming, depending on what someone is actually looking for. If your desire is to build quality, depth, passion, connectedness, and sexy into your relationship . . . Steve Horsmon is your man. I was immediately connected to and impacted by the depth of knowledge he has about the way women and men are wired, what both deeply desire in a relationship, and how it all works together to create an authentic and symbiotic partnership. Steve D. – Fort Collins

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So why Steve? If there is so much information out there, why do we need Steve as a coach? Hell, if you just stumble around his website, goodguys2greatmen.com, he gladly shares all his scholarship and mastery. And he is happy if his wisdom helps you deepen the connection between you and the woman of your dreams, even if he never meets you. Being a lifelong learner and an empowered and excited student of female energy [and body], I felt all I needed was a point in the right direction. Wrong! I was stuck in Self-Help-Hell. Reading and understanding is one thing . . . living it is another. I needed someone to walk me through what I was seeking, to make sense of all the subtle yet crucial details I was misunderstanding, to sift through all the unhealthy thinking I had picked up through the years from broken relationships, someone to look me in the eyes and call my bluff, someone to care enough to listen to my stories and at the same time give no energy to me playing the victim, as if I had nothing to do with the way things were going in my relationship. That someone was Steve. He has an amazing way of listening, respecting, explaining, challenging us to take responsibility, and energizing us to live differently in order to get different responses from our women. Steve is a firm believer in the hard fact that we only have authentic control over ourselves, so the only valued energy put into changing things goes into changing ourselves; our energy, our attitudes, our behaviors, our reactions and responses. In the end, we will be happier with the new life we will be living AND the bonus [which we will not be expecting] is that our women will be happier too and more likely connect with us on the level, and with the passion, we desire. Adam H. – Fort Collins

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When I first contacted Steve I thought I would get a blueprint to follow to change my relationship, do X and get Y. After our first conversation I realized it was so much more than that.  After talking with Steve I have a new way to look at many aspects of my relationship and myself as well.  Steve is extremely easy to talk with and be open to, partially because he’s been there and isn’t afraid or ashamed to talk about his own life. He is a great listener and has thoughtful advice that is specific to my situation. I highly recommend his programs for any man, you’ll be happy that you took the chance and called him. Paul S. – Minnesota

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“Let’s talk money. I’m as frugal as they come . . . and I don’t throw my money away on slicked up marketing schemes. I wanted to do some personal work and trusted Steve with my life essentially . . . and it was worth it . . . happiness wise as well as monetarily.  The “before and after” results in my confidence and frame of mind are astounding.  If I had known this, I would have gladly paid more. Steve is selfless. When I figured out all the time he had gladly spent with me online and offline, it came down to less than $50 an hour. Can’t find more “bang for your buck” in the coaching/counseling field these days. The great thing is that Steve isn’t driven by money. Sure, we all have to make a living AND he does it with his passion. Steve is happy to be early to a phone call or meeting and comfortable with staying late if needed. He’s not a clock watcher. And that made a whole hell of a difference for me.” Jacques F. – Fort Collins

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“I contacted Steve when I thought my wife was messing around and I didn’t know what to say or do.  In just one session he helped me see things more clearly and kept me from over-reacting and being a crazy man.  It turns out I was only half right about her.  Steve gave me some really clear guidance on how to think about what was going on and how to confidently talk about it with my wife.  It helped me a lot.  A guy can talk to Steve about anything, I think.  He’ll keep you honest and in control.” Jeff N. – Washington

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“Steve has worked with me for a few months now and has helped me move past some issues that I simply was not able to get past on my own. Steve listens and responds with love and concern and puts your progress ahead of all else. He offers clear and concise advice that comes from a deep understanding of what makes men and women tick. I have known Steve from a support group and he has helped my progress more in the time I have been working with him than anything I made in the 10 months before we started working together. If you are a man whose life is not quite what he had in mind, for any reason, love, work, self confidence, health, you name it I would not hesitate to recommend Steve to help you move forward towards your goals.” Neal G. – Sweden

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“Steve has been instrumental in helping me clarify where I want to go to be a better man and how to get there. His insightful probing questions, fun / meaningful anecdotes, encouragement, and understanding of my situation have made the journey much easier than I anticipated. I would recommend him wholeheartedly!” Jerry S. – Colorado

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“Steve shared his valuable life experiences with me when I needed it most! He teaches men how we can become the husbands our wives have always wanted. If you apply his teachings it will transform you and all areas of your life -including the relationship with your spouse. Steve is a wonderful listener and a caring man dedicated to making a difference in the lives of men. I highly recommend Steve and thank him for all he’s done for me.” Albert C. – Georgia

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I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I called Steve.  I quickly found out that he is both the father and brother I never had.  His insight and wisdom is helping me to realize things I wish I knew when I was 20!  Why didn’t someone tell me then?  The compassion and concern he has for me and my goals is supportive and affirming.  My sense of manhood and confidence has reached a point to where I can find affirmation from within myself – not from my wife and what I thought I needed from her.  My marriage is taking a slow but sure turn for the better and I can see the relief in my wife as I become the man she’s always needed me to be. Travis M. – Texas

Testimonials from some great women

I want to thank you Steve. I’ve been dating 1 of the men in your group since the end of September and…wow. He’s focused on growing as a person-so am I, he’s understanding-so am I, he cares about honest communication even when it’s uncomfortable-so do I. His actions match his words and I feel safe (no small thing). I know that he appreciates you and so do I! Sincerely, A 40 year old woman who is beyond grateful to be learning how to trust a man for the 1st time…and enjoying the process…in every way ;)  Erin M. – Fort Collins

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My husband and I have been married for almost 24 years. Running after 2 kids and running a business together had left us disconnected. Our communication had become totally kid or business oriented and quite frankly, I was very frustrated and bitter. I had mentioned marriage counseling a few times but my husband didn’t believe that our marriage was in that bad of shape and wasn’t interested.

After being directed to your website by a friend of mine, I felt that your program might actually be able to help us start moving in a more positive direction. Once I showed your information to my husband, I could tell he was interested in what you had to say and actually started printing many of your articles and keeping them in a binder. My valentine gift to my husband was your 8 week masculinity tune-up and I have to tell you that it has been the best money I have ever spent.

We are now able to have great conversation, even about tough subjects and are finding ways to work through them honestly and respectfully. I see him being a stronger more confident man who is remembering who he is and who he wants to be. He is able to communicate his support and love to me in a way that has recreated trust in our relationship. We had an out of town trip last week that normally would have been stressful and aggravating to both of us and we were able to turn it in to an amazing romantic adventure. T

hank you for the work you do and for helping my man to see himself for the great guy he really is. We are both looking forward to a long healthy and satisfying relationship.  Love & Gratitud  Jo – Cheyenne

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In my normal organized, controlled, and disciplined fashion, I contacted Steve with some very clear goals for myself. Then everything changed. What I thought my goals were and what I really needed didn’t match. It turns out that what I needed is exactly what I wanted.

I contacted Steve after participating in a group Skype session with him. In 5 minutes he called me out on something no one else has ever done. I wanted to know why men show up in my life attracted to me, but unwilling to be the committed, monogamous partner I want. After I explained my professional background and accomplishments, Steve asked me an off-the-wall question about when I have ever felt “soft” with a man. I wasn’t ready for that or the next 6 weeks of discoveries I was about to make.

With gentle guidance, Steve helped me learn the nuances of emitting feminine soft energy. Within 24 hours of my using a strategy Steve suggested, I attracted and started a friendship with a man. It works. He showed me that behind the testosterone men have sensitivities which I have tuned in to with more appreciation and respect. I learned that when I focus on my HIPS I can feel the importance of slowing down my pace [e.g., walking, thinking] and be to present during interactions with others, especially men. They do “scan” you and pick up the distancing.

Steve has helped me “trust the process” and to focus on making myself the best me for me…the rest will follow. I highly recommend Steve for a personal coach. But beware, he will ask you to read, write, think, and talk as vulnerably as you have ever done. It’s worth it!  Dr. Paula Van- San Francisco  Paulina_Van

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I was not sure a “man’s coach” could help me overcome some long-standing fear and personal blocks. After talking with Steve initially, it seemed worth a try. Over three intense sessions of understanding my problem (me), Steve provided resources and role-plays on how to get out of my own way. He gave tools to understand my gifts in a relationship, as well as confidence in making commitments and embracing a loving relationship. Steve leads by example for giving “your gifts” and commitment to whatever you’re doing. He showed up fully at our appointments and packed them full of useful tools, laser-focused feedback and a hardy dose of encouragement to get it right. He is gifted and knowledgeable on relationship challenges – including the feminine side!  Deanna – Fort Collins

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“I first heard Steve speak on a tele-summit by Alana Fournet. I really connected with what he had to say from a man’s perspective plus he had a love for horses so how could you go wrong.  I found him to be honest and sincere and thought I would do a free session with him. After the free session I had a great connection and decided to do a few sessions with him. What I discovered about me is what I thought was helpful and was creating a space to make my man feel wonderful wasn’t moving him past neutral. Steve shared with me the things I could do to enhance that communication and really make him feel like a man. For this knowledge I will be forever grateful!”   Andrea H. – Loveland

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“In our first session, Steve really listened well. He allowed me to process a strange feeling that I couldn’t voice to anyone else. I could not have called anyone better!  In our second session, Steve was able to call me on some of the habits I was perpetuating that were keeping me feeling really insecure, instead of enjoying the beautiful relationship I’m in! Sometimes it just takes that external pair of eyes – thank you, Steve!!  After our third INCREDIBLE session, Steve sent me the most wonderful follow-up note. It has become my new mantra and is helping me be WAY more happy, open, and even feel sexier (!) in my relationship – this guy is the real deal. Damn!” Amanda Griffith – Fort Collins

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